Saturday 29 July 2017


Date: 26th July 2017
Time: 8.15 am- 10.05 am
Venue: Al Bukhari Library
Conducted by:  Madam Nur Fitriah

Assalamualaikum and hi, Alhamdulillah we meet again! So, for this week's topic, it's about on of the famous location in UiTM Jengka, and it is library! And it's name is Al- Bukhari Library. So, in this post, I am going to write about library and campus resources. So, as usual, let's get started!

Background of Al- Bukhari Library

Al- Bukhari Library was first built in January 1985, located at Teluk Sisek, Kuantan. In June 1993, this library has moved to Bandar Jengka and known as Al- Bukhari Library.

In July 2011, Al- Bukhari Library have received brand new building and it starts operating on 2nd April 2012. This new library can fit 1511 seats. The books in this library classified based on Library of Congress (LCC) system.

Types of Resources 

There are 3 types of campus resources that you need to know;

 Types of resources
 UiTM Cawangan Jengka Pahang, Kampus Jengka

 Academic Resources
 Library, Information Technology & Computer, Registrar

AL- Bukhari Library, IT room, HEA

 Housing, Dining and Transportation Resources

 Buses, Dining Places

Bus station, KTG dining hall, KTF dining hall, Van, Bus, 

 Student Organization Resources

 Extra- curricular, Leisure Activities

HEP, Court, Stadium, Rugby 

Al-Bukhari Library capacity

Reading space: 818 seats

Discussion room: 2 rooms (8 seats per room)

IT room: 80 seats

Training room: 36 seats

Total seats: 1030 seats

10 thing you MUST KNOW about Al- Bukhari Library

1. Operation hours of Al Bukhari 1 & 2 Library

 Operation hours of Al- Bukhari 1 & 2 Library table
Exam season 
 Monday- Friday
8.30 am- 6.30 pm 
8.30 am- 10.50 pm 
9.30am- 6.30 pm 
9.30 am- 6.30 pm 
9.30 am - 6.30 pm 

2. Borrowing & Returning Books

We can renew the date of the borrowed books. For diploma and degree students, they can borrow 20 books at a time. 

 Open Shelf

 Internal borrowing

 Internal borrowing

3. Steps to borrow and return books

a. Search the book you wanted using OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)

b. When you find the book you wanted to borrow using OPAC, search the book at the shelves according to OPAC. Shelves A- P at the 1st floor while shelves Q- Z located at the 2nd floor,

c. Make sure to bring your matric card with you to identify yourself.

d. Go to borrowing counter or you can go to KIOSK Self- Check Machine

4. Fine


Students will be fined RM 0.20 for each day and each book if they do not return the book the day they were supposed to. They are not allowed to borrow other books if they do not pay the fine.

5. Missing books

Steps to do if you lost the library books

  a. Make sure you search it carefully
  b. Make a report to library to avoid paying more fines
  c. Students will be given 14 days to find the exact books they lost

6. The borrowing process between other libraries

If the students can't find the books they wanted to borrow at Al- Bukhari library, the students can request at the counter to borrow the books at other library. The books will be borrowed from other library.

7. IT Room Usage
  •  Students have to register their names at the counter of the IT room
  •  Students are not allowed to save personal data in the computer of IT room
  •  Students have to renew their registration every 1 hour they use the computer for usage statistic
  •  Students are not allowed to bring any software into the IT room
  •  Students are not allowed to steal the computer tools and devices

8. Library Zone

There are 3 zones in the library;

Silent Zone

Any conversation in this room is not allowed. The environment in this zone must be quiet. Mobile phone usage is not allowed.

Quiet Zone

Students must lowered their voice. Conversations are allowed but wih a low voice. The mobile phones must be set in silent mode. 

Social zone

Discussions can be comfortably done in this zone but with controlled volume of their voices.

9. i- Book KKM

This feature is a website to find End Notes Software, Online Databases and Research Work Modules. To access this site, you must visit Al- Bukhari Library website. Then, click i-Book KKM on the right column and click Place Reservation and choose a module. Fill in the information.

10. URL

Al- Bukhari Library staffs can be contacted through these URL;



  1. Table of Content
  2. Index
  3. Back of the book/ summary

Whats is APA style?

APA (American Phsychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within social sciences.

How to do citation in APA style?

I think that's all from me for this post today. I hope it can help you to know more about our library and campus resources! ✌ Till we meet again, Insyaallah. Goodbye! ☺❤


Date: 19th July 2017
Time: 8.15 am- 10.05 am
Venue: Ibn Hazim Hall
Conducted By: Puan Hamidah Abd Rahman

Assalamualaikum & hi guys! Alhamdulillah we meet again this post, thanks to Allah s.w.t ☺❤ So, as you can see the picture above, today's topic is going to be about....................... goals! So, have you set you life goals? I do have a lot of goals, but i am not going to write my goals in this post (okay maybe some but not all) because if I did, I am sure I won't finish writing this post. Okay enough with the talk, let's get started!

So, what is goal? Goal is something we set in our mind to gain or achieve. It is really important especially for students to set goals in their life. By having a goal, we will put more effort in doing something.


To be useful and motivating, the goals you set must have some important characteristics;

  1. Goals should be self- chosen. Goals that are set by your parents, teachers or friends may not always work for you. You need to determine or choose your own goals; you need to decide what you want to accomplish. If you set your own goals, you will be more motivated to achieve them.

  2. Goals should be moderately challenging. One way to moderately challenging goals is to consider what you have done in the past. Goals can always be revised, if you discover you can achieve more than you originally set out to accomplish.

  3. Goals should be realistic. Think about whether your goals are attainable. To set realistic goals, you must carefully evaluate your chances to achieving that goal.

  4. Goals should be measurable. A goal is measurable if you can determine whether you reached it. It would be difficult to determine whether you achieved your goal if you just wanted to "do well in a course." It would be much easier to measure you success if you had aimed for an A, or a B.

  5. Goals should be specific. The more specific your goals are, the more motivated you'll be to achieve them. For example: Getting an A in Financial Accounting is a specific goal; while, getting a "good grade" in Financial Accounting is not.

  6. Goals should be finite/ limits/ bounds. Goals need to have a limited time frame. For example, you can do the paper on Monday even though the due date is on Thursday, so you can prepare the for tests or exam on Thursday.

  7. Goals should be positive. Negative goal statements tend to make you feel that you can't really be successful, they aren't motivating. You'll always do better if you are working toward something - when you have a positive attitiude. Avoid using words like try, think, hope, and should when you describe your goals.


Long- term goals are the objectives you set for yourself for the end of the year, for four years or five years from now, or even for a lifetime. For example, I want to be a professional accountant since I was a kid.

Short- term goals can be set for an hour from now, for the end of the day, week, month, or term (semester). For example, short- term goals include things like completing an assignment, writing an essay, getting a B in a course, getting off probation, or making the Reading List.


Academic goals relate to your course work. They include things like going to class, completing assignments, and preparing for exams.

Personal goals, like making new friends, participating in clubs or sporting events, exercising, or even doing your laundry.

Five- Step Approach to setting goals

STEP 1 : Tentative Goal Statement

Example: I want at least a B in Financial Accounting

STEP 2: List of Obstacles

Example: I have a trouble following the lecture, and I struggle to take notes.

STEP 3: List of Resources

Example: I'll read the chapter before the lecture, I'll rewrite my notes afterward.

STEP 4: Revised Goal Statement

Example: I'll try to earn B in Financial Accounting

STEP 5: Polished Goal Statement 

Example: I will achieve a B in Financial Accounting this semester.

10 Tips to Get Off to the Right Start This Semester

  • Be selective in choosing classes
  • Go to all classes and take notes
  • Keep up with your reading assignment
  • Learn to say NO
  • Create a good study environment
  • Set realistic grade goals
  • Study for exams by writing and reciting out loud
  • Learn to predict exam questions
  • When taking exams, relax and be sure to read the directions
  • Go to your college learning center when you need help

We are divided into few groups during this class and given a group activity. I got into group 10. This is my group's answer for the question given.

Please excuse our handwriting xD. It's a mess but we managed to answer the questions :D. Okay, and I think that's all for today's topic. Till we meet again! Insyaallah. See ya! ☺


Date: 12th July 2017
Time: 8:15 am - 10.05 am
Venue: Dewan Kuliah 2
Conducted by: En. Mohd Ikhsan Md Raus &
            En. Roslan Jamaludin

Assalamualaikum and hi! Today, in this post I am going to talk about plagiarism and how to calculate your GPA. So, let's get started with the first subtopic, the most common thing that happens in university. This topic was conducted by En. Mohd Ikhsan Md Raus.


Plagiarism means the act of presenting another's work or ideas as your own.

Actions that considered plagiarism:

  • turning in someone's work as your own
  • copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credict
  • failing to put a quatation marks
  • giving incorrect information about the source of a quatation
  • changing words but copying the sentence scructure of a source without giving credit
  • copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up majority of work, whether you give credit or not
Plagiarism can be prevented by simply acknowledging that certain material has beeen borrowed and providing the readers with the necessary information to find the source is usually enough to prevent plagiarism.

How to prevent palagiarism

Plagiarism can be prevented by 2 ways;

1. Paraphrasing means express the meaning (of the writer, speaker or someting witten or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.
2. Referencing    means provide a book or article with citation of authorities.

Steps to paraphrasing:

  • Reword: You can place the original words by using synonyms. E.g.. the word remain can be replaced by stay 
  • Rearrange: You can change the original sentence from passive to active to active to passive, and  nice versa. E.g. Adli kicks the ball can be changed to The ball was kicked by Adli.
  • Recheck: Make sure the word or sentence you have re-do have the same meaning as the original topic

Steps to referencing:

  • Include a reference page or page of works cited at the end of your paper
  • Check the guidelines for citing sources properly and make sure that the page meets the document formatting guidelines used by UiTM
  • Look for the APA 6th formatting style
  • Be sure edit your research paper carefully and check for plagiarism before submitting it
  • Refer to your instructor/lecturer for the turnitin account to access your paraphrasing and other anti-plagiarism skills

Next, I am going to talk about how calculate to GPA. This topic was conducted by En. Roslan Jamaludin.

                                        CALCULATING GRADE POINT AVERAGE

The final examination results and asssessments at the end of every semester are assigned a Grade Point Average (GPA) and a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which represent a student's academic achievement.

GPA calculation

Every semester, students will receive their GPA result based on the grades they got in all their courses in the semester. The formula on how to calculate GPA:

To find GPA weighted by credit hours;

1. Multiply each numeric grade value by the number of credits the course was worth
2. Add these numbers together 
3. Divide by the total numbers together

CGPA refers to overall GPA, which includes dividing the number of quality points earned in all courses attempted by the total credit hours in all attempted courses. CGPA calculation formula;


Students with extremely unsatisfactory academic perfomance will/can be dismissed from his/her study. The status Dismissed (D) that can be given to the students include:


We were given a task from En. Roslan Jamaludin to calculate Amelia's GPA. This is my answer based on what I count using the formulas above:

Please excuse my handwriting. I know it's bad xD. Okay I think that's all for today. See you guys next topic! Insyaallah. Bye guys!


Date: 5th July 2017
Time: 8.15 am - 10.05 am
Venue: At- Tabari Hall
 Conducted by: Sir Ahmad Faris
 Miss Nursuria Md Setaman
Madam Rozita Mohamad

(photo taken from google)

Assalamualaikum and hi guys, we meet again in this post! :) So, for this topic, let's talk about taking effective lecture notes. So, let's get started!

Note taking is writing down ideas and important points from lectures and readings in our own word.

Why we have to take notes?

  • Helps us to pay attention in class
  • Helps us to study for quiz, test and final exam
  • Helps us to improve our memory
  • Helps us take ownership of ideas
  • Helps us to engage our senses 
  • Helps us to oraganize and process information
  • Helps the lecturers test students on how well they captured given informations.

(photo from google)

Why we have to review notes?

  • We will lose 80% of what we hear if not review within a few hours
  • Identify any questions for peers, the next class to ask the lecturer
  • There is not enough time to absorb all the info given by the lecturer
  • Think: "If I were tested on this lecture tomorrow, would I ace it?"

What we have to do before the classes start for better understanding?

  • Review notes the day before
  • Review your reading assignments
  • Write date for every notes taken
  • Leave spaces between lines so you can add additional informations later

Next, I am going to tell you on how to take notes effectively in class;

  • Write date and label the notes
  • Give ourselves space to write
  • Use abbreviations (shortform) & symbols. These are a few examples of abbreviations & symbols that can be used in note taking;

  • Use an outline to show;              
              *main ideas
  • Use your own language, because by using our own language, the notes will be easier to understand

Next, how do we prepare for class?
  • Do pre-reading and homework
  • Review syllabus
  • Preview previous notes
  • Look up key words prior to class
  • Plan on listening 80% of the time and 20% of the time
  • Write the date at the top of your notes
  • Leaves spaces between so you can add extra informations later
While taking notes, be an aggrresive listener, not passive listener.

Mood of the lecturer

Key actions to note as you observe your instructor

  • Be alert to repetition
  • Watch the board carefully, when the lecturer write something on the board it means it is important
  • Notice the instructor's interest level
  • Let go of judgement about lecture styles, don't let your attitiude about the lecturer's style of lecture get in the way of your education

Things you can do when your lecturer isn't too interesting;

  • Ask a question. The question that we or the students may think dumb is on the mind of your several classmates too.
  • Sit in front of the room. Students who sit close to the front will be harder to fall asleep. You will also can see the board clearly thank those who sit at the back. Besides, when you sit in front of the room, you are declaring your willingness to take a risk and participate.

Examples and methods can be used in taking notes effectively

  • Two column method
The two-column note-taking method requires active reading, that is, processing must occur for the notes to be taken. Two-column notetaking is an especially useful method for detailed and technical information. The act of separating main ideas from details strengthens the understanding and memory of the content area.

  • Outlining method
The outlining method is perhaps the most common form of note taking used by college students; an outline naturally organizes the information in a highly structured of the textbook chapter or lecture subject that serves as an excellent study guide when preparing for tests.

  • Mapping method
The mapping method of note taking works especially well when the lecture content is intense. Students can use the mind mapping notes method to organize key points and make it easier to digest of all the information presented to them.

(photos from google)

  • Sentence method 
A method of teaching reading by giving first attention to phrases and sentences and later analyzing these into their verbal and alphabetic components; - contrasted with alphabet method and word method. 
  • Cornell note taking method
The Cornell method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes. The student divides the paper into two columns: the note-taking column (usually on the right) is twice the size of the questions/key word column (on the left).

Last but not least, I also learned about SQ4R

1. Survey - Overview
2. Question - Establish a purpose
3. Read - To answer questions
4. Recite - To answer questions
5. Relate - Connect information 
6. Review - At the short intervals

I found an extra information on Google about taking notes. I hope this photo below will help you! ☺

I think that's all from me today. Thank you for reading! ❤✌


Date: 21st June 2017
Time: 8.15 am- 10.05 am
Venue: At- Tabari Hall
Conducted by: Madam Rohana Binti Wan Endut

(photo taken from google)

      Assalamualaikum and hi! So, for today's topic, we are going to talk about memory, learning & improving concentration. I hope this topic can help lot of people especially for students :D

Skills. What is skills? Skills is the ability to do something well. Skills also talents that you have naturally. 

                                                            LEARNING PYRAMID

(phoro taken from google)

Learning pyramid is important especially for students. It can help students to identify how many percents of informations they will get based on their activities.

Now, let's talk about brain and and memory.

Memory is the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information. It functions like computer hardware.

While brain is organ that we have in our body. It also function like computer hardware. When we learn and remember, we will we will encode, and retrieve the information that we received.

(photo taken from google)

These analogy is like computer. For example:
  • Microphone = Mouth
  • Mouse = Legs
  • Printer= Hands
  • CPU= Brain
  • Pendrive = Informations
  •  and etc.


(photo taken from google)

There are three  types of memory according to information Processing Model (Atkinson & Shiffrin’s model in Santrock )

  •      Sensory memory
  •      Short term memory 
  •      Long term memory 

1. Sensory memory

Sensory memory is the shortest-term element of memory. It is the ability to retain impressions of sensoryinformation after the original stimuli have ended. A signal is sent to your brain every time you experience something through one of your senses like taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing.

2. Short term memory

Closely related to "working" memory, short-term memory is the very short time that you keep something in mind before either dismissing it or transferring it to long-term memory.

3. Long term memory

Long-term memory is our brain's system for storing, managing, and retrieving information.

Memory strategies

1. Massed pratice & spaced practiced 

  • Massed Practice refers to conditions in which individuals practice a task continuously without rest. (not recommended)

  • Spaced Practice refers to conditions in which individuals are given rest intervals within the practice sessions. While information repeated in a distributed fashion or spaced over time learned more slowly, it is retained for much longer. (recommended)

2. Break reading material down for some period of time, e.g. 2 chapters per day, not all chapters a day before exam.

3. Rehearsal- repeat information many times.

4. Elobration strategies

  • Assosiations

  • Acronyms/ catchwords . Example:

(photo taken from google)

  • Acrotics/ catchphrases. Example: 

(photo taken from google)

  • Imagery - visualize the image of the information needed

  • Organizational strategies - organize the materials. For example, plants can divided into 2 groups , non-sees plants and seed plants;

(photo taken from google)
  • Comprehension monitoring strategies - need to comprehend materials being read- SQ4R will be a good strategy. 


Concentration means focusing you attention on what are you doing.

  • Lack of interest
  • Lack of motivation
  • Distraction from others
  • Uncomfortable environment
  • Physiological matters – illness, tiredness
  • Psychological matters – personal problems, worries, anxieties
  • Lack of attention

  • Use motivational and organizational strategies
  • Create a positive learning environment
  • Deal with internal distractions
  • Use active learning strategies
  • Match your learning style to the task
  • Monitor your concentration

Concentration chart is an image that can help you to improve your concentration. It aso can improve your memory. For example: 

(both photos are taken from google)


Reading academic material is different from general reading task.Using a study system can help in comprehending reading academic materials due to three factors:
  • Use active learning strategies.
  • Use of multisensory methods (eyes, ears, mouth, hands, -refer to the learning pyramid).
  • Immideate steps for self-testing and review.

SQRRR or "SQ3R" is a reading comprehension method named for its five steps: survey, question, read, recite, and review.

(photo taken from google)

1. Survey

Skim the text and find the main ideas.

2. Question

Try create a question.

3. Read (R1)

Look for answer for your questions.

4. Recite (R2)

Consider what you want to remember from what you read.

5 Review (R3)

Reread yor notes and link the information with your own experience. 

I think that's all for today. Thanks for reading! See you in the next post, Insyaallah ☺.


Date: 26th July 2017 Time: 8.15 am- 10.05 am Venue: Al Bukhari Library Conducted by:  Madam Nur Fitriah Assalamualaikum and hi,...